Wednesday, October 3, 2007

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Saturday, September 29, 2007

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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Want to build your base?

Are you running a campaign? Are you a candidate that wants to get your message out?

Myspace, Facebook, and the other networking hubs are free advertising. But you don't just sign up and watch the friends roll in. With the right plan and a lot of hard work, we can integrate myspace into your campaign.

Check out these links:

Myspace, My Politics..................CBS News Online

Politics and Myspace.................Blog Critics

America Votes Launches Voter

Myspace is already being used as a marketing tool. But we haven't seen a program that is specifically built with candidates in mind. The other marketers use automatic software (bots) to mass email myspace profiles. We recommend you don't do that. It turns possible voters off. Every contact you make should be personalized and professional. You won't turn possible voters off with our method. And we don't charge a thing for you to use this information

We want to help get you quality friends. Friends that are in your area. Once they are your friend, they can help you build your base.

After all, isn't that what you really want?

We specialize in helping alternative, local and state level candidates get exposure on myspace, facebook, and all the networking hubs. What's the point of having a page on myspace if you can't get your message out?

Imagine reaching all the myspace users in your district in a personal, respectable way that won't turn possible voters off.

How do we help you do it?

Who are we trying to reach?

Why myspace?

What's in it for us?

Email us today at and we can discuss a myspace marketing plan that fits your needs and budget.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Act III: Make the initial contact

Good, you've got your profile ready to go public. Its clean, loads fast, and gives a brief summary of your principals, and hopefully interests them enough to click over to your website.

You've also found your targeted demographic. Now you need to let them know you are there.

You need to send them a message. The first thing you need to do is get Mozilla Firefox. The pages load faster with this browser, and if you are contacting a lot of people, this will save you time. Believe me, you won't want to go back with Internet Explorer, once you've used this browser. Click here to get Mozilla Firefox.

A simple "friend request" may do the trick, but I'd suggest sending a personalized email to each targeted potential voter. An email that lets them know you know they are there.

Here is a sample without the code:

Subject: Mr. Smith, Lets work together to change things in Atlanta

Mr. Smith,

My name is Joe Candidate, and I am running for State Senator in your district. As your State Senator, I would represent smaller government, more personal liberty, and a change in the "politics as usual" mentality in Atlanta.

I would like to invite you join my myspace campaign by Adding me as your friend, Subscribing to my blog, and passing the word about my candidacy. I need your help to change the way government operates. I need you to help elect me to the state Senate

Thank you for your time

Joe Candidate


Here is a template for the code (html) you put in the email message so people can click on Joe Candidate (to see your profile) adding (to add you as a friend), and subscribe (to subscribe to your blog.) You want to make it as easy as possible for the potential voter:

Here's the template:

Mr. Smith,

My name is Joe Candidate, and I am running for State Senator in your district. As your State Senator, I would represent smaller government, more personal liberty, and a change in the "politics as usual" mentality in Atlanta.

I would like to invite you join my myspace campaign by click here to get this code" > Adding me as your friend , comment and click here to get this code"> Subscribing to my blog and passing the word about my candidacy. I need your help to change the way government operates. I need you to help elect me to the state Senate

Thank you for your time

Joe Candidate

Send this message to as many of your possible voters as possible. Now wait for the base to come to you, so you can spread your message.

Next: maintaining a friendship (coming soon)

Questions? Need Help? Want us to do it for you? Contact us

Sunday, January 28, 2007

To find the code to put in this section, get someone (you can't subscribe to your own blog) to go to your profile and click on subscribe. When the confirm page comes up and is loaded, copy the text (including the http://www.) and paste it into this space

Contact us with any questions

Monday, January 15, 2007

How do we do it?

We're going to show you how to contact people in your area via myspace, facebook and other networking hubs and respectfully invite them to "join" your site. The email sent to a myspace user would allow the profile user to add you as their friend, subscribe to your blog or view your profile, with one click.

This isn't something built into the myspace workflow. This is something we've created, and it has worked for our site.

Don't have a myspace or facebook profile? We can do that for you too!

More Coming Soon!!

Who are we trying to reach?

If you are a state, local or district candidate looking for exposure, and don't either don't have the budget, to buy tv or radio ads, this will help get your message out. Its also a good idea to supplement any other media outlets with a myspace profile.

We understand how hard it is to get your message out with limited budgets. We want to help promote candidates. Let us give you a voice!!!

More Coming Soon

But isn't myspace for 14 year old girls?

It used to be that myspace was the new "teen talk". Now you can find anyone from 18 to 100 on the site. Best of all, unless you run them off, once you have the quality friends, you can get your message out for free from now on.

We've got relationships with several political myspace groups. Thousands of contacts waiting to be informed.

This market has not really been tapped yet. Until Now!!

Contact us so we can give you our story and discuss your myspace marketing strategy.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Is It Really Free

We'd love to do the work for you. Each of the contacts we make on your behalf costs less than the price of a stamp. And you only have to send it once.

But if you are willing to put in the time and effort yourself, we'd love for you to use your our site as a guide, for free.

We want to help get your message out!!!

We're advertising on this site, and we hope you visit and buy products our affiliates sell. If you see an google ad link that gets your attention, by all means click it.

We're not trying to get rich, but we would like to improve the site

Number 1: Build The Profile

So you've decided to run for political office, and you've decided to use myspace for free advertising.

You need to create a profile that will invite people. We'll tell you from experience that the more things you put on your profile, the slower it will be to load.

Upload your photo to the profile. Put on a shirt, tie and jacket, and make the photo look professional. This may be the first time voters have ever heard of you. You might as well make a good first impression.

You don't want to make your base mad with a profile that takes 10 minutes to display. We advise you to limit the profile to one video (we'll show you how to post a video later, or email us), and keep the background simple. Don't set a large image as your background.

Here are some examples:

Example 1: The Market Myspace profile. Notice how it complements this site. The background is a smaller jpeg file that repeats itself. This is the only example of a background image you should even consider.

Example 2: Our Candidate Interviews profile (its brand new and we're pretty busy, so excuse the lack of content, email us if you want an interview). This is a profile created with the profile builder system that myspace gives you, and we used red white and blue for effect.

You can find this profile builder by looking for a text link in the right column, just below the ads for "cool new things". Note: You'll have to have microsoft explorer to use this function for now, firefox won't work.

Example 3: The-G-Blog profile (also see The-G-Blog on the net): This profile is built with the myspace profile builder (just like example 2), and it complements our main site.

Notice how clean these sites look compared to some other profiles. Remember, this is just going to be ad space for your website (if you don't have a website, check out blogspot: its free, relatively easy to get around and post with, and we'll be glad to help if you need it,) and an easy way to keep in touch with potential voters. Don't get bogged down with the details on your main profile. That's what blogs and links are for.

Next: Using myspace to target people in your area...... Coming Soon.

Also coming in this series (check back often):

-Sending the 1st contact email
-embedding video into your profile
-Using bulletins to get your message out
-Using myspace blogs to help frame your platform
-Putting free straw-polls on your site

Is there something we missed from this post? Do you have other ideas that you wish to share with us and other candidates for office? Have a general question: email us!

What's in it for us?

We're really here to help you get your message out. We're going to be adding more information to this site, and we feel you can see real results without spending a penny.

We'll also be glad to do all or part of the work for you, and we'll work with any budget to get your message out!!

But, if you are willing to put the time and work in (we're not saying this is an easy task), take this information, go forth and get elected.

Either way, we'd love for you to click some links on our site, buy some products from our affiliates, link us, and promote us to your friends and fellow-candidates.

As we update the site, we're going to show you how to target your area through the myspace search engine, school alumi listings and political groups.

These people will be your base. Start building it now!!

2: Using Myspace Search engines to find people

So you've got your profile up, and it looks professional.

Now you need to start contacting people in the area you are at least contemplating runnning.

How do you find that information?

1) Myspace has its own search engine to help with this. Its at the top near the home link. Here you can search for cities (type Atlanta GA for example) or other keywords that you can think of.

2) Use the search engine to look up schools in the area. This is the most efficient way to find people. Most people stay in the same area, even after they graduate. Even if they're not still in your district, they may still have some pull. Start with the older (of the person, not the profile) people and work your way down

This is where you find your base!!

Next segment: Sending the first contact email (coming soon)

Visit our New Site -

Next Show Wednesday night @ 7:00p.m. EST.

Help spread the word!

Instructions: Highlight the code inside the box. Press Ctrl + C to copy it. Go to "Edit Profile" from your user homepage, and Press Ctrl + V to paste the code into any section. Press "Save All Changes" to spread the word!!

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